Banner Resources

What is Banner

Ellucian Banner® is the leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for higher education. Banner is made up of a variety of systems and modules that support the business operations of Andrews University. At a high level, Banner supports the areas of

  • Accounts Receivable
  • Advancement
  • Finance
  • Financial Aid
  • General
  • Human Resources & Position Control
  • Student (Academic & Admissions)

Self-service applications allow end-users (students, employees, faculty, advisors, and others) to interact directly with their records without needing to have Administrative Banner access.

Banner also includes additional applications that support communication and document management.


Banner Instances

There are four instances of Banner (both software and database) maintained at Andrews University. You can see these as four separate columns on the Enterprise Applications page. The production database in cloned (copied) to the other three instances on varying schedules (see below). Each of the instances have their own unique use.

Banner Instances
Instance Name Instance Code Clone Frequency Use
Production PROD n/a, Live Data Where daily operations happen
Testing TEST Infrequently Report/Process code development, long-term project testing
PreProduction PPRD On-demand Quick tests on fresh(ish) data, uses PROD code for reports/processes
Development DEVL Weekly on Saturday Test with fresh data, uses TEST code for reports/processes

When testing/exploring local reports and processes not run in a while (or ever), per Local Process Documentation, please do NOT use Production.


Banner Help & Training Resources


For information on gaining access to Banner and other related components, click here.

For the Data Access Policy, click here.


All Administrative Systems staff support Banner and its related components. To report an issue or make a request, please submit a HelpDesk ticket here. Select the area that is most appropriate.

There are three staff members that are dedicated to helping users of Administrative Banner. The Banner+ Support Specialists respond to issue and request tickets, assistent adminsitrative departments in making the best use of Banner, design local reports and processes to supplement those offered by Banner, and assistent in third-party integrations. Each of the Banner+ Support Specialists cover particular Banner systems and modules.

Banner+ Support Specialists
Areas Support Specialist Phone Email
Admissions &
Darryl Kotanko (269) 471-6164
Finance &
Human Resources
Jennifer Janssen-Rogers (269) 471-6132
Student Academic &
Accounts Receivable/FinAid
Eloy Wade (269) 471-3129

Distributed users needing assistance should first contact the applicable administrative office. If the administrative office needs support in resolving the issue, they can inititate the ticket and share it with the distributed user. For instance, budget managers seeking assistance with Vault Finance Reports or Finance Self-Service should first contact Financial Records; Advisors should first contact Academic Records.



AU Developed

Ellucian Provided

User Groups

There are a variety of opprotunities to interact with Banner users at other institutions. User groups can be a valuable resource in problem solving, training, and benchmarking.

  • Ellucian Community is a cooperative community made of Ellucian employees and users. You can select the Forum(s) corresponding with your interests and set your email notifications. Be aware that Ellucian owns both Banner and Colleague. You can limit your forums and searches appropraitely.
  • Ellucian Live  is the official yearly conference, filled with sessions led by Ellucian and user institutions.
  • Banner Users' Group of Michigan (BUG-MI) is made of Michigan institutions. Users work together to host an annual conference at a host institution.
  • coHEsion is a consortium for higher education, primarily focused on Ellucian customers; membership comes with attendance at the annual conference.